We recently updated our office hours: M-F 8 AM - 4:30 PM

Late Fees & Credits

Fixed Wireless Provider in Middleton, TN

Effective Immediately (2/22/2018)

Updated (11/2/2021)

CREDITS: Crossroads Internet cannot repair any problems of which they are not aware.  Therefore, credits for service interruptions will be administered under the following guidelines:

  1. No prior credit will be given to “bad service” or service interruptions that are not reported by telephone within 24 hours of the occurrence.
  2. Exceptions are when the office is closed on weekends or holidays.
  3. Credit will be issued, if requested, from the date of the reported problem until the problem is repaired.
  4. Credit will be on a per diem basis based on your tier of service.

LATE FEE: We have lowered the late fee to $9.95 for payments made after the 15th of the month. The fee will be added to any past due invoices and will be charged with no exceptions.